Thursday, April 11, 2019


Jason applies for a business

He opens a pool but it doesn't go well. He will have to get some bubble blowers out here to attract customers. 

Ronnie is promoted and demoted.

But it doesn't get him down too much.

Payton finds a hobby he really enjoys, fishing. He catches a couple of eels in the small pond his dads put out back.

Jason gets started on the car he wants to sell. 

Ronnie gets promoted again so now he is back where he was. 
Urpi comes home with Peyton. They become bestfriends. 

But that night it was Peytons birthday YAY


The kids skill away early one morning while they wait for Ronnie to make breakfast for the family. 

With it being saturday (family day), Peyton invited over the Cookes to hang out. 

They stayed for the birthday of Tasha where she grew up with interesting traits. 


Tasha runs up to her room on the third floor. 

The family spent all their money putting a third floor, bedroom and bath up there so they gave nothing to taxes.

The summer season ends with Payton earning a bronze fishing badge. ♥

Sims: 26

SM: 13

Population: 338

Taxes: 141,044 

Unlocked Jobs: 
Athletic: Unlocked
Architecture: 0/3
Business: 1/1
Criminal: 1/2
Education: 2/4
Entertainment: 0/2
Military: Unlocked
Natural Science: 0/1
Science: 2/4
Slacker: Unlocked
Gamer: 0/1

Uni: no

Downtown: yes

Vacation: 1/3

Business district: no

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