Friday, April 12, 2019


Welcome to the 3rd to last household of round 14, thank goodness LOL.

Snookie donates 40.000 which is good for another vacation hood and another 3 sm.

Jill gets in good with a co-worker she brought home. We also save that friendship because she is beautiful. 

50.000 made in her lifetime. 

Party time!!!

I dont know what happen to cause this but I know it involves Ronnie!

They go right to dancing after the slap. Savage.


Connor Gay

Snookie was in love.

But after donating so much money she needed to head to the business. She learns to dazzle and then changes the ticket to 50 dollars. 


She gets up to rank 7. After she left the business and got home she took care of little Connor and chilled with her wife. 

Sims: 28

SM: 13

Population: 364

Taxes: 191,044 

Unlocked Jobs: 
Athletic: Unlocked
Architecture: 1/3
Business: 1/1
Criminal: 1/2
Education: 2/4
Entertainment: 0/2
Military: Unlocked
Natural Science: 0/1
Science: 2/4
Slacker: Unlocked
Gamer: 0/1

Uni: no

Downtown: yes

Vacation: 1/3

Business district: no

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